Ultrasound guided Interpectoral, Pectoserratus and Serratus anterior plane blocks

Geraldine Armissoglio, Paschalitsa Serchan, Laura Griseto, Gabriella Iohom


Interpectoral, Pectoserratus and Serratus anterior plane blocks are relatively recent fascial plane blocks performed with ultrasound guidance to provide analgesia of the anterior thoracic wall. They have been mainly used in breast surgery and are both safe and easy to perform. This review will focus on the technique of ultrasound guided Interpectoral, Pectoserratus and Serratus anterior plane blocks.


Interpectoral plane block; Pectoserratus plane block; Serratus anterior plane block; ultrasound; breast surgery

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11152/mu-3810


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